
Sunday, 14 July 2013

Matariki Lights

Deciding what to wear was easy. I was getting ready to go to the Matariki lights on Maybury by the Ruapotaka Marae. My mum had been up since five O'clock so she was really tired and told me to ask my aunty if I could go with them down to the lights. I ran to my Aunty's house with a big fat grin wondering what could we see there. Walking down it was a little walk so we were there in a SNAP. Having to walking down the path with no lights I was wondering were the lights were? thinking to myself "where are they?'.

Then there they were behind the bushes just waiting the for us. We stopped in amazement it was just like a mini Hamilton Christmas lights Festival. So many colours, but there was on ornament that stood out it was a GIGANTIC sign reading MATARIKI in bold red letters it was really cool. Dordeling along the path way I recognised some people they were friends I couldn't miss then for anything.

There were three other Ornaments that stood out and they were
1. A line of the seven sister Tupu-a-nuku Tupu-a-Rangi Ururangi Matariki Waiti Waita and Waipunarani it was very creative
2. Shaped as a taniwha was a Mythical dragon type species coloured Green Red Blue Pink and Yellow
3. Disco ball spinning in the tree it was So funny seeing the littles running around it was Great

I Had and awesome night out and carnt wait to see what they have installed or next year

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