
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Monday 17 December 2012

Last term I went to a different school school, they never had netbooks so they had to work with pencils pens and books.Then when I moved Pt England every one had netbooks from year 5 to year 8.

With netbooks its much faster to write stories do our maths and all our other work to do with school.As using books you can have very messy hand-writting but with A netook you can have whatever font you would like to have.

Sometimes when you are typing the keys can pop of and you wouldn’t know where to put them back on. There is no movie making programmes so we can make movies on our netbook.

But with our netbooks we can be creative as we want even though we don’t have best graphics but at least we have them.  

Monday 3 December 2012

I have been learning to add detail to the beginning, middle and end of my sentences. Which one do you think is the best?.

Time for family and present giving is near, and I’m really looking forward to Christmas.

We just got back from present shopping, so I’m really looking forward to Christmas.

Driving past beautiful lights, I’m realising I’m looking forward to Christmas.

I am looking forward to opening my presents at Christmas

I am really excited that I’m going to see my family, and I’m looking forward to Christmas

I can't wait to open my present, that’s why I’m Looking forward to Christmas.

I am looking forward to Christmas, so I can be with my family.

I am looking forward to Christmas, So I see what kind of food there is.

I am looking forward to christmas, since it’s been a long year.

Wednesday 28 November 2012


Last Monday on the 20th of November the Year sixes went to Kawau Island, to go to Camp. We had to be at school before seven O’clock in the morning.Then the bus arrived to pick us up, we loaded the 2 buses and began our one and a half hour bus trip.

Finally we got to Sandspit, the tide was in. We got to have lunch, we also got a toilet break, the toilets were a few metres from where we sat to have lunch.Then we broke up into 2 big groups to play whizz, it was funny because some people were getting mixed up with the actions.Then the ferry came it was quite big the adults and teachers loaded up the ferry with the bags they done it really really quick, and we were off on to the water.The one hour trip didn’t seem that long because i was with friends that were sitting by me.

The time had gone so fast it was already past ten O’clock.As we approached the wharf the boys had to do the haka it took up most of the top of the ferry.At first Erin and Peter didn’t hear or see anything of the haka, so they had to do it again.So they stood up and  did the haka again.

We then unloaded the bags off the ferry then it left, and we had to carry all the bags up to the verandah did about three trips, some of the bags were very heavy and some weren’t.They got there and then it was time for our big exercise moments it was about a two hour long up and down hike.

Across those days were really fun and enjoyable.We had Free time most of the First day which meant we could play or do anything, until the horn went which was really loud. Then we had dinner and played three games of spotlight most of the kids got caught by running around.Then it was bed the time was around nine thirty at night.

Morning had already came and it was time for our morning fitness up and down the steep hills again then we had finished.It was then time for breakfast.Then breakfast had finished and it was time for our activites to being and start.The day was full of activites and fun exciting stuff.

The rest if the days were mostly the same except the last day. The last day was full of sports.Volleyball Swimming Bush Baseball and Rippa rugby.Then we loaded the ferry up when it came and it was time to go home. And get ready for school.

I had a great time at Kawau Island and hopefully so will my sister when she goes.

Monday 19 November 2012

Going To Camp

Camp Bentonz

Tomorrow most of the year sixes are going to camp. We are travelling to Kawau Island. I am really excited about it and i think its going to be fantastic.

We are traveling on bus to get to the sandspit. Then from there we travel on boat to Kawau Island and Camp Bentonz.

While we're there we do a confidence course burma trail (it is where you happen.

I think that Sailing will be a challenge from wht I no the thing you have to depend on is the wind and you don’t know if its going to be widy all not.are blindfolded and you have to hold a rope and follow the rope. Sailing, kayaking,swimming and many other fun and exciting activities.

I am really excited about kayaking as from I no that is really fun. Its the same as with the confidence course but I don't know what is going to

Thursday 15 November 2012

Today we had a "Technology Group Challenge".This is what we had to do "You have to create a boat that can float for at least five seconds,unaided in water.This was y boat that floated for five seconds

Wednesday 14 November 2012


Days are hot
So are the pots
Going for a swim
As the lights dim
Now shivering cold
Go get warm I'm told


Next week it’s camp
What if the bunks are damp
I don’t want to get cold
Then in the morning i will fold
I will have something to eat
I hope it’s neat.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Retelling the Story

LI: Use the text and what we know to retell the story.

Retelling the story:
In the box below write a SHORT summary of what the story was about. Write about the MAIN points. Stick to 2-3 paragraphs to keep it concise (straight to the point).

"Why don't we ask the digger driver to replant the flax at the back of our section?" "You'd still be able to see the tui's from your kitchen window wouldn't you?".
"Definitely,"said Mum And if you keep cutting the blades for your baskets?".But i won't be able to syrup right now.But perhaps later in

Draw a picture or pictures that shows what happened. Post this picture on your blog with your paragraph that retells this story.
Last week on Wednesday we had a Triathlon.It was on the bottom field on the right side of the Kindergarden.We were after Room11,when we got there the Room11 girls were finishing there turn then it was going to be the Room11 boys.As the boys were finishing the co-ordinaters called us up the Room17 girls.

The girls all lined up behind the tarpaulin to get ready to go.There were only 7 of us.There was me Taylah,Cheyanne,Shanika,Jorja,Jonita,Kaycee and Lisia.Then one of the co-ordinators wet us all,the water was really cold i didn't mind it.

Then we heard the words “GO” we rushed to slip down.As we slipped down the tarpaulin Lisia slipped so far she nearly slipped of it.We had to do that four times.All the times she just about fell off  and we went past all of us.

Running to the Transition Zone we hopped onto our bikes and rid off.On my bike that i was on it was easy to ride because it was just like a mountain bike not like the white ones the White bike were BMX bike and were hard to to ride in grass.We done Two laps around the field. Our Two Laps had finished and we Jumped off our bikes and jogged it in to Transition Zone once again.

By then i was feeling just a little bit tired a my legs were a little bit sore.We then ran off and done a little bit of running.All we had to do was One lap around the field.By then only Taamai was in front of me.

In the end Taamai came first and I came second.overall i had a great time and can’t wait to do it again.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

This is my Tapa Cloth that i made in class.The back round was died as Orange and the eight designs were coloured Green and Blue.

Monday 5 November 2012

It was a cold winter day, but Michelle and George wanted to go bush hiking and explore the forest.The bush was located in the South island of New Zealand.In the bush there was a rock track,so all you had to do was follow the track.It was 3-4 hour hiking trip.When they started walking they saw a stand for strawberries.

As they went towards it they thought that how could this be, as it wasn't strawberry season in fact it was nowhere near the season,so they just carried on walking.Half way through their trip they stopped to have something to eat, they had egg sandwiches, fruit ,yoghurt and a cold apple juice.They had finished and started to pack up and carry on.

Now we started going up hills and down them.There were bigger rocks.Michelle tripped on one and fell it looked like she had broken her leg she was crying because it ws so sore.George got out his phone and unlocked it he tried calling but there was no signal.George then picked Michelle and ran as fast and as carefully as he could trying not to do what Michelle had just done.

As he was running some other hikers were hiking and helped hold Michelle it had been quite a long time and she was in very bad pain, the pain was so bad she even passed out a few times.Finally they had got to the start of the hiking ground Geoge then unlocked his phone an dialled 111.

The ambulance were there straight away and put Michelle in the back.George sat right next to her on the right side and the others on the left.They got to the hospital and done a x-ray scan it showed she had a broken leg.

Michelle got her cast taken of six weeks later and was relieved to have got it off it was very tiring to have it on a now she didn't have it on and didn't like hiking any more. Neither did George because of what happened.

From that day they on went walking from where they could get a signal.Also the same with the With the Hospital.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

New york
Famous pop stars
Fun theme parks
Tall buildings
16 million people
Millions of houses
Factories polluting
Beautiful beaches
White sandy
hot sun
Beautiful weather

Tuesday 30 October 2012

New Zealand

Beautiful beaches
Sunny Skies
Snowy Mountains
Different cultures
Yummy food
Rugby teams
Pohutukawa tree
Lots of sports
Fishing all the time
Cute Kiwis

Cook Island

Palm trees
Soothing coconuts
Glittering waters
Rarotonga the main island
Beautiful holidays
15 islands
In the south pacific ocean
White sandy beaches
Yummy fish
Different birds


Lots of barbaques
sweating all day long
eating sausages


Drinking hot chocolate
sitting in the lounge with blankets
lighting the fire up

Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Long Weekend

It was the sart of the long weekend and my friends Kapri, Maria and Pallas were staying at my house for the long weekend.On Saturday morning the four of us went to the Pt England shops to buy some chocolate lollies and popcorn for Saturday's movie. It was called Get Smart.

The Pt England shops were about a 10 minute walk, but we decided to take our time and it took about 20 minutes.We were enjong our walk, the sun was shining the birds were singing.We got to the shop and got all the stuff we came for. The total amout was $7.99.I searched my pockets and it was empty no money no cent no notes no nothing it was all at home.

"Umm sorry could you please hold it because I just realised I forgot my money at home.We were just taking our time home.All the others were wishing that I had brang the money as it started feeling sooooo hot so we could of got an ice block a few more dollars of it wouldnt of hurt but this sun is.

"Three minutes away not that far to go!"."Marrrrriaaa!!! move get out of the way!!!. BANG Maria was on the groud.It looked like she had 2-3 fractured ribs and a broken leg a very broken leg. She was screaming!."Kapri ringg 111 now tell them that were on Holland ave number ummm um um 14 and tell them to please hurry.

Waimaria's mum was there straight after we called her the ambulance were about three minutes.They had arrived they said it looks like a few fractured ribs and a broken leg.When they left we went home and waited for the call from Marias' mum.At about 1 pm Tarnia Waimarias' mum called and said she was alright and just came out of surgery.

That weekend was one of the worst weekends that happened and Waimarria was very lucky to be alive.The drunk driver was found and fined and had to apologise for what happened.Six weeks later Maria went back to school.

Sunday 21 October 2012